About Antoinette
I get it, I’ve been there. That’s why I’m dedicated to transforming your health and helping you feel like yourself again.
About Antoinette
I get it, I’ve been there. That’s why I’m dedicated to transforming your health and helping you feel like yourself again.

What if you knew why you were so sick?
Not only that… what if you had answers and a plan to finally stop the digestive symptoms that are ruining your life?
My name is Antoinette Liviola and until a few years ago… every day felt like a wrecking ball was crashing through my gut.
I was living my dream — working a high-powered job in the fashion industry in NYC.
But as the pressure increased, my habits and my health took a downward spiral so that I could keep up with the stress of such a fast-paced job and the high lifestyle. It’s hard to admit, but… alcohol, smoking, poor meal choices, partying, and horrible relationships became my norm.
Though I tried to juggle this life that I thought I had wanted, my body was struggling.
At first, my face would get very inflamed, hot, and red. Then, out of nowhere, all these little bumps began to cover my cheeks. I wasn’t sure if this was happening in sync with bouts of anger and frustration or because some food was to blame.
Then my “bathroom issues” became incredibly disruptive which ultimately drove me to a doctor.
I thought the doctor would have an answer for me.
But to my horror, he told me that I needed an antidepressant to control my IBS symptoms. I sat there with my jaw hanging open… totally defeated and angry.
“ARE YOU CRAZZYYYY???” I AM NOT going to take antidepressants for an issue with my stomach that you say is ‘stress related’…I’d rather quit my job!!!”
I stormed out of his office and ripped up the prescription.
But I didn’t quit my job. Instead, I became even more determined to manage my symptoms as work became worse and worse.
Not only did I not get better, but I stuck things out at work (and life) only to watch everything that I thought I wanted to fall apart.
Things Just Got Worse... Trying to Figure it Out on My Own
I lost so much weight that I looked sick and emaciated.
My episodes of diarrhea became increasingly more frequent to the point where I was going 6 to 8 times a day. As soon as that pain would overtake my stomach, I’d excuse myself from work and hustle down the street to the Macy’s bedding department (4 blocks away) for privacy…I just couldn’t use the disgusting bathrooms at work.
Every time I sat down, it felt like all of my insides were falling out.
Every episode left me drained. My joints ached, I couldn’t think straight, and failed to remember the easiest things.
I was down to 98lbs… exhausted and depleted.
I felt so old (and so alone).
As friends began expressing concern, I realized I had to do something or else I would end up in a hospital bed.
With the little energy I had left, I began googling diets. Diet after crazy diet, I was desperate to try anything that might get at least my diarrhea to stop.
But nothing worked.
And all I had the energy for at this point was sleep.
Finally, I got an appointment with a top GI doctor in Manhattan only to be totally let down again. She had no idea why I couldn’t eat anything without getting sick and left me feeling angry and deflated.
This is my rock bottom.
I’m not proud of it. Nor am I happy that I allowed myself to get to that point, but I finally realized that I couldn’t do this alone anymore.
I also realized that conventional medicine didn’t have any answers for me.
Whatever wrench that had been thrown in my system, I needed help because it had become apparent that diet alone wasn’t going to fix me.
Then My Whole World Changed...
After a long search, I eventually found a nutritionist who finally led me in the right direction.
She helped me identify the root cause of my issues that stemmed a major gut ‘bug’ imbalance including Candida and H.pylori that caused my leaky gut and food sensitivities.
I was so relieved to have an answer because I finally had clarity about where to begin.
That’s when my whole world (and health) changed!
My journey included eating the right foods, using the correct supplements and making key lifestyle changes that ended up creating incredible changes to my health.
Looking back, the most important step that I took was getting the right guidance and support because I was way in over my head.
My experience taught me that you should never have to live with symptoms that make you feel like crap.
It is possible to feel (and live) normal again with the mental clarity, inner peace, physical strength, and energy to enjoy the everyday.
Finding the Right Guidance, Restoring Your Health
As I worked to repair my body and restore my health, it was clear that this was my passion.
I want to be your guide to end the suffering from chronic symptoms so that you can find your way back to.
The drive and passion to help others get back to a healthy and happy life led me to pursue a Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport.
I opened my private clinical practice where I support women just like you to find your hidden root causes so that you can feel “normal” again.
I use tools to help you get there including food, supplements, herbs, lifestyle changes, and stress reduction techniques to help restore your health.
The issues that I typically work on with my clients include:
- Digestive Issues (IBS, GERD, Candida)
- Gut Imbalances and Infections
- Leaky Gut Syndrome
- Food Sensitivities and Intolerances
- Weak Immunity
- Achy Joints
- Brain Fog
- Unexplained Fatigue
- Depleted Energy
- Anxiety and Depression
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Autoimmune Disorders
Look, there’s no “cookie-cutter” formula that will resolve all of your health issues.
That is why I treat you like the unique individual that you are… I listen to your personal story, dive deep into your health history and search for clues to uncover the root causes behind your symptoms.
I am here to partner with you on a customized plan that focuses on your unique needs and your lifestyle.
Together we create a workable plan that is tailored to you (and what you’re realistically able to do).
I want to see you succeed.
My goal for you is to get your health back in order so that you can feel like yourself and live the fullest life that you are meant to live.
Because you aren’t here to live a life bogged down will illness.
You are meant to have the energy and vitality you need to...
- Enjoy being with your children
- Feel sexy on date nights with your husband
- Be a “powerhouse” at work
- Have memorable moments with your friends
- Relax and feel renewed thanks to “me time”
It’s a great honor to be your guide as we create practical changes that give you your life back.
I Believe that...
- You have the power to restore your health (and your life) with the proper guidance.
- Choosing what you eat is one of the most powerful decisions you make on a daily basis...it can either be your poison or your medicine.
- Eating nutritious food doesn't have to taste horrible, and it can be extremely simple to prepare.
- Your body is always telling you what it needs, you just need to listen (or find someone to help you understand what it is telling you).
- You can achieve anything once you make the decision to go for it.
- We are all unique individuals, therefore there will never be one way to do something (especially when it comes to diet plans).
- A healthy body is a catalyst to creating your dreams and living the life you’ve always wanted
- There is a reason for everything, and getting sick (as hard as it was for me) brought me here so that I can help you feel better.
- You don’t have to go on this journey alone, in fact, support is key to your success (that’s what I’m here for).
- If you really want to make changes in your life, you have to be open to new ideas and willing to take an active role in your transformation
Some Fun Facts About Me...
- I live in Hoboken (an amazing small city, and community, right across the river from NYC… the views from here are GORGEOUS) with my husband and my 5-year-old daughter.
- I lived in Florence, Italy for 3 months, and ended up getting married there (not to a local...but dragged my Italian-American husband back for our wedding).
- My mother came to America from Sicily when she was 23. She’s one of the most amazing cooks who taught me everything I know about cooking.
- Originally from Ohio, I moved to NYC after college (and my Italy stint) to pursue a career in fashion design. I worked in the fashion industry for over 15 years designing knits and sweaters and traveling often to Europe and Hong Kong.
- I love Pilates and am a certified Pilates Instructor.
- I am the youngest of 6 kids (all from the same parents).
- I’m a huge fan of self-development and devour books or podcasts that have to do with improving my inner world. The first book that opened me up to this world was Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now.
- I became a certified life coach because I was so passionate about helping others make changes in their lives.
- I sometimes crave the slower pace and spaciousness of the country! (A big change for someone who used to hate farms or anything remotely rural.)
- I still love fashion and beauty (especially make-up), and probably always will.
Antoinette Liviola- Professional Bio
Antoinette Liviola, MS, CNS is an integrative clinical nutritionist helping busy women struggling with chronic and embarrassing digestive issues, autoimmune conditions, brain fog, and unexplained fatigue get their healthy active lives back. Using a unique approach that combines biochemistry, mindfulness, and smart diet changes, Antoinette has deep empathy for her clients’ experiences after her own journey with debilitating gut and health issues.
It’s her belief that by listening deeply, looking at the puzzle pieces of your health with fresh eyes and asking the right questions, it is possible to identify hidden root causes behind your symptoms so that you CAN regain your health.
Antoinette received her Master’s degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and is a certified life coach and pilates instructor. She lives in the Hoboken-New York City area with her husband and daughter where she operates her private virtual integrative nutrition practice serving clients across the US. In her spare time, Antoinette loves exploring her Italian roots by cooking up fresh Italian cuisine.